형무소 365

by G.Gear.inc



Starting today, you are the manager of the prison.n~ Prison management simulation game -nMonitoring the prisoners and guards to lets create a huge prison.

오늘부터 당신이 이 감옥의 경영자입니다.~형무소 경영 시뮬레이션 게임~죄수와 간수들을 감시하여 거대한 형무소를 만들어봅시다.■□■□■□게임흐름■□■□■□・형무소의 설비 확장・간수 고용・운영 플랜을 세우기  ↓・죄수와 간수의 감시・각 방의 랭크 업・죄수와 간수로부터의 요청, 미션을 해내기・운영비 모으기・폭동 진압◇폭동죄수들의 스트레스가 쌓이면 폭동을 일으키게 됩니다.어떤 수를 써서라도 죄수들을 진정시키도록 합시다.◇요청요청은 돈이 드는 사항들 뿐입니다.죄수의 요청에 답하기・・・죄수의 스트레스가 격감.간수의 요청에 답하기・・・형무소의 경험치가 늘어난다.◇미션미션을 해내면...・운영비를 얻을 수 있다.・방을 설치할 수 있는 장소가 늘어난다.・설치할 수 있는 방의 종류가 늘어난다.Starting today, you are the manager of the prison.~ Prison management simulation game -Monitoring the prisoners and guards to lets create a huge prison.Game flow ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □ ■ □· Expansion of prison facilities· Hire guards· Placing the operating plan↓· Surveillance of the prisoners and the guards· Each rank up room· Requests from prisoners and guards, a group pull off a mission· Collecting Fees· Riot◇ riotsStress will lead to a buildup of the prisoners riot.Let us, at all costs any number "to calm the prisoners.◇ requestThe request is only made costly.The stress of answering · · · decimated the prisoners at the request of the prisoner.The experience of the answer ... at the request of the prison guards increases.◇ missionIf the mission done ...· Operational costs can be achieved.· Increase the place from which you can install the room.· Increase the room type that can be installed.Bugs fixed.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Can you ad english opsian

Ammy Ammy

Pls ad english

Prolex Playz


Albert The Pug

can you please make a English option


add English This is a very good game but it need English so more poeple can play it...

Camp Inn906

salita pilipino

charls bernardino

Can u turn it in english



Hunter Yonts


Christen Robbins

Its cool if the game have more langguage like english😊

Dark Yuki